Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A lil' Christmas magic...

So I actually did this illustration about a year ago as a commissioned piece for my friend/coworker, Sam Schoeman. It serves the purpose of being his family's Christmas card. I know it's super hokey, but Scott Schweigert insisted that I post Christmas thing on my blog. Actually it turned out he wanted more than just that, but here's my half-ass response to his request. Merry fuckn' Christmas, Schweigert.


After Felicia bashing the first draft for all of my lazy mistakes I decided to fix them. I also threw in just a little polish for good measure. I'm really surprised to have taken a week to complete this drawing. Oh well, I hope you like this one more than the last one.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

A Babe N' 2 Droids

I've been working on this one for the past 3 nights. I stole most of the colors for the middle babe from some other dope illustration that I like. Hopefully this encourages me to get into colors again. Hope you like it.