Sunday, February 17, 2008

Cheap Knock Out

Field Trip Day

Awesome! So I'm really excited about this one. We were assigned to make a 5 sec short on Valentine's Day at Titmouse. I got together with a couple of my good friends, Matt Taylor and Junpei Takayama to get a rad triforce of sorts going. We decided to title it "Field Trip Day". I gotta say, it was one of the funnest things I worked on in a while.

I posted these jpgs for now. We might want to change a couple things for the film's next render just so that you can see the kids pissing from the boat. More on this film to come.

Thursday, February 7, 2008


Quick imaginary gesture I did a while back.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I dunno...

It's late, very late. I'll be in bed soon. Had to get the sketches outta me first though. I just ended up experimenting with Corel some more. I don't really know what to make of the "illustration".

Anyhow, on lighter note. I've been recently assigned to animate Metalocalypse for the next couple of weeks. It's been fun so far.

Last weeks party was fun. Sorry if you couldn't make it. The next big one will be sometime early April. It'll be big. . . yay.